100 Best Muslim Boy baby names List G Starting Muslim Boy Baby All Name with meaning and numerology. Select your Best name. Muslim baby Boy names and choose best Muslim name for your new born or expected baby Boy. Browse our huge database of baby names to find name for your baby along with its meaning. Baby boy names, baby girl names, Indian baby names, Hindu baby names and a lot more is available.
Muslim Boy baby names List:
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- Gulbano گولبانو —- Princess of flowers —- 2
- GulBarg —- Rose Petal —- 5
- Gul-Barg —- Rose Petal —- 5
- Gulchin —- Name of Flower —- 2
- Gulchin گولچین —- Name of a flower —- 4
- Guldin —- Out of Flowers —- 4
- Guldin گولڈین —- Out of flowers —- 6
- Guleen —- One with Beautiful Smile —- 1
- Guleen گولین —- One with a beautiful smile —- 3
- GuleRana —- Sweet-smelling rose —- 7
- Gul-e-Rana —- Sweet-smelling rose —- 7
- Gulesha —- God of Flowers —- 1
- Gulfam —- Rosy; Beloved —- 6
- Gulfana —- TBD —- 8
- Gulfsa —- Beautiful —- 3
- Gulfsha —- Blossom Flower —- 2
- Gulika —- Ball; Anything Round; A Pearl —- 7
- Gulinar —- Pomegranate Flower —- 1
- Gulista —- Flower Garden —- 8
- Gulistan —- Rose garden, garden —- 4
- Gulistan گولیستان —- Rose garden; Garden —- 6
- GulIzar —- Rosy-cheeked —- 4
- Gul-Izar —- Rosy-cheeked —- 4
- Guljaan —- Beautiful Flower —- 3
- Guljan —- Gul – flowers; Jan – life —- 2
- Gul-Mina —- Lovely Flower —- 5
- Gulnaaj —- Cute like a Flower —- 3
- Gulnaar —- Flowery —- 2
- Gulnaax —- TBD —- 8
- Gulnaaz —- Cute like a Flower —- 1
- Gulnaj —- Cute like a Flower —- 2
- Gulnar —- Flower of the Pomegranate Tree —- 1
- Gulnar گولنار —- Flowery —- 3
- Gulnara —- Flower of the Pomegranate Tree —- 2
- Gulnas —- A Flower; Cute like a Flower —- 2
- Gulnaz —- Cute Like a Flower, A Flower —- 9
- Gulnoor —- Beautiful Flower —- 3
- Gulnur —- Beautiful Flower —- 3
- Gulpari —- Flower Angel —- 3
- Gulraiz —- Rose-sprinkle —- 4
- GulRang —- Rose-coloured —- 8
- Gul-Rang —- Rose-coloured —- 8
- Gulrez —- Rose-sprinkle —- 8
- Gulrez گولرعز —- Rose-sprinkler —- 1
- Gul-Ru —- Rosy-faced —- 7
- GulRukh —- Rose-face —- 8
- Gul-Rukh —- Rose-face —- 8
- Gulsah —- TBD —- 5
- Gulsan —- Garden of Flowers —- 2
- Gulsana —- Unbelievable Flower —- 3
- Gulsana گولسانا —- Unbelievable flower —- 5
- Gulsar —- Garden; From the Garden of Roses —- 6
- Gulshan —- Garden of Roses, Garden —- 1
- Gulzaar —- Garden —- 5
- Gulzan —- TBD —- 9
- Gulzara —- From the Gardens —- 5
- Gulzare —- From the Gardens —- 9
- Gulzaria —- From the Gardens —- 5
- Guzeeda —- The Chosen One —- 6
- Guzeena —- Adopting; Selecting —- 7
- Haadiya —- Guide to Righteousness —- 4
- Haadiya ہادییا —- Guide to righteousness; Gift —- 6
- Haafidhaat —- Protectors —- 5
- Haafira —- TBD —- 8
- Haafiya —- Kind —- 6
- Haafiza —- Protector —- 7
- Haajar —- Hard as a rock —- 3
- Haajara —- Prophet Ismail’s Mother —- 4
- Haajira —- Terrific —- 3
- Haajrah —- TBD —- 2
- Haakima —- The Wise —- 8
- Haala —- Aureole; Lunar Halo; Glory —- 5
- Haameda —- One who Praises Allah —- 6
- Haami —- Protector —- 5
- Haamida —- God Loving —- 1
- Haana —- Happiness —- 7
- Haani —- Pleasant —- 6
- Haaniya —- Happy; Delighted —- 5
- Haarithah —- TBD —- 2
- Haaritheh —- A Heavenly Messenger —- 6
- Haazima —- Generosity; Prophet’s Grandfather —- 5
- Haazira —- Intelligent; Wise —- 1
- Hababah —- A Daughter of Ajlan —- 5
- Habbai —- One who is Much Loved —- 5
- Habbay —- One who is Much Loved —- 3
- Habbaye —- One who is Much Loved —- 8
- Habbiba —- Beloved One; Gift from God —- 7
- Habeba —- Sweetheart; Beloved —- 1
- Habeeba —- Beloved; Sweetheart; Darling —- 6
- Habeesa —- Good Character; Of the Highlands —- 5
- Habi —- Picture —- 2
- Habib —- Loveliness; Loved One —- 4
- Habiba —- Beloved, Sweetheart, Darling —- 5
- Habibah —- Beloved, Sweetheart, Darling —- 4
- Habibah, Habeeba —- Beloved, sweetheart, darling; a wife of the Prophet —- 1
- Habibeh —- Beloved —- 8
- Habibi —- Loved One; Beloved —- 4
- Habibiyyah —- Beloved; Loving —- 9
- Habibu —- Beloved —- 7
- Habika —- Sweetheart —- 5
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அண்மை வெப் ஸ்டோரி களை காண கிளிக் செய்யவும்: – Web story
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